Speaker Bio
A journalist for 35 years, William J. Wimbiscus is former managing editor of The Herald News in Joliet, IL. A cancer survivor, he has written numerous columns about his treatment experience.
Wimbiscus was diagnosed with MGUS (monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance) following a random blood test in July 2013. Within three months his condition progressed to smoldering myeloma, and within six months to Multiple Myeloma.
In January 2014, he began 30 weeks of Velcade/dexamethasone infusion therapy, followed by a second18-week course of Velcade/dexamethasone infusion with the addition of Revlimid (lenalidomide) oral therapy. In 2015 he underwent a tandem stem cell transplant at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago, resulting in complete remission of his Multiple Myeloma. In March 2016 he began a Revlimid maintenance regimen (10 mg on 14/7 cycle).
Since beginning his oral maintenance regimen, Wimbiscus switched from using specialty pharmacies to an In Office Dispensary to obtain his medication.
Bill Wimbiscus